Edlira Mali, Msc

Edlira Mali, Msc

[email protected]

Employement Type : Full-time
Office : 0. Floor / 3
Office Tel No. : 136
Gender : Female


Hill University PhD - Doctorate
Year Completed : 2014
Faculty : School of Business and Management
Department : Marketing
Program : Doctorate Degree Program
Country : United States
University of Arkansas, Arkansas MA - Master
Year Completed : 2001
Faculty : Sam Walton College of Business
Department : Graduate School of Business
Program : Full time MBA
Country : United States
Universiteti i Tiranes BA - Bachelor
Year Completed : 1992
Faculty : Ekonomik
Department : Ekonomist per Industri
Program : Full time - Master Shkencor
Country : Albania


Program i Këshillit të Evropës, me bashkëfinancim nga Zyra e Bashkëpunimit Zviceran në Shqipëri, i konceptuar si një instrument i cili mund të ndihmojë liderët e rinj në sektorët administrativë, ligjorë, ekonomikë, socialë, dhe kulturorë të përgatiten për funksionet e tyre 2008
Type : Shkolla Shqiptare e Studimeve Politike
Topic : Program i Këshillit të Evropës, me bashkëfinancim nga Zyra e Bashkëpunimit Zviceran në Shqipëri, i konceptuar si një instrument i cili mund të ndihmojë liderët e rinj në sektorët administrativë, ligjorë, ekonomikë, socialë, dhe kulturorë të përgatiten për funksionet e tyre
Year : 2008
Instution : Akademia e Studimeve Politike
Country : Albania
Certified training on Quality Management Systems, ISO 9000 series 2006
Type : Certified by EOQ as Consultant, Auditor, Trainer, and Examiner
Topic : Certified training on Quality Management Systems, ISO 9000 series
Year : 2006
Instution : DGQ, Germany
Country : Albania
Certified training on Quality Management Systems and Food safety systems, ISO 22000:2005 2006
Type : Certified as Auditor, Lead Auditor, Trainer of Trainers
Topic : Certified training on Quality Management Systems and Food safety systems, ISO 22000:2005
Year : 2006
Instution : IRCA, Ireland
Country : Albania


English C2
Language : English
Is Native Language? : No
Level : C2
French B2
Language : French
Is Native Language? : No
Level : B2
Italian C2
Language : Italian
Is Native Language? : No
Level : C2
Spanish B2
Language : Spanish
Is Native Language? : No
Level : B2
Albanian -
Language : Albanian
Is Native Language? : Yes
Level : -
Role Type : Academic
Position : Lecturer
Unit : Department of Communication Sciences
Period : Oct 2014 - Sep 2024
Status : Completed