Academic Staff

Academic Staff

Erlis Çela
Dr. Erlis Çela: completed university and master studies in the field of journalism at the Faculty of Communication, Marmara University in Istanbul, Turkey. He holds the "Doctor of Science" degree in Communication Sciences. Dr.Çela has a long experience in the field of communication and media
Mark Marku
Brikena Smajli
Brikena Smajli is a poetess, academic, and lecturer who teaches Discourse Analysis, Introduction to Semiotics, and Aesthetic of Communication. She has an ASA (Albanian Studies Academy) PhD in literary sciences, comparative literature, poetics, and myth criticism—Asteria membership.
Suela Musta
Valmora Gogo
Graduated in Journalism and Communication, University of Tirana. With 16 years of experience, Gogo has been part of newsrooms in Albania as a journalist, editor and editor-in-chief. Since 2017 she is a Doctor of Science on Journalism and Communication.
Suela Bako
Alban Tufa
Alban Tufa was born on March 24, 1992 in the village of Sohodoll, Dibër. Since graduation he has been employed full time as a lecturer assistant at the Department of Communication Sciences at the University College “Bedër”.
Edlira Mali
Graduated from her Bachelor studies at the University of Tirana, Faculty of Economics. In 2001, she completed her Master of Business Administration from the University of Arkansas in USA. In March 2014, she received the title "Doctor of Philosophy in Marketing". Business Consultant
Ejup Lila
Eriet Mucollari
Esmeralda Pashollari
Melsena  Danglli
Norga Sulo
Mrs. Norga Sulo was born in Shkodra city. She has graduated in Economics at Kocaeli University, Turkey and continued the undergraduate studies at program Master of Sciences in Public Relations. Mrs. Sulo has over 8 years’ experience in higher education.
Rudi Dunga
He was born in Elbasan (1986), and in 2008 graduated in Journalism and Communication, University of Tirana. After finishing the bachelor studies, he has been working in journalism for three years. At the same time he completed the master studies for European and International Journalism.
Kristi Mukollari
Suela Bendaj